Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The past six weeks

In the past 6 weeks I have had a very tiring time. Not only did I start a new term in school, I also went from third shift to first. That would be bad enough for anyone right. Well I have an 18 month old son and he has not taken the change very well. Add into that, his dad, my boyfriend has been working anywhere from 68-72 hour work weeks. Needless to say I get no help form him during the week. I have also been working my 40 hour weeks with overtime so we can afford to save for a car because mine has no heat or defroster. Did I mention that I live in the snow belt of northwest Pa? I have gotten good with a shovel because I can not get the snow blower out of the basement to use it. But I can only do that after 9 pm because that is when my son is finally asleep enough that I can go out and shovel. Next I have the house to clean and dinner to cook, not to mention fitting in family time and bed time routines. By the time I sit down I am exhausted because my days usually start at 4:30 am. Then I get to work on school work until I fall asleep. I work very hard to get it all done, but the 12 hours days my boyfriend works were suppose to have been over a month ago and he was then to have been placed on first shift. I found out to day that he will not get first but will instead be going to third. I am so tired and stressed that I want to pull my hair out after I finish a nice long nap where I get to sleep for more then 4 hours.

Oh yeah and I forgot to mention I am planning a wedding on top of all of this. I am glad to have the next three days off of work! Maybe now I can get caught up on everything that I have fallen behind on.

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